Huntington Thrives
A campaign for shared vision
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The Huntington Arts and Entrepreneurial Center (HAEC) is a catalyst for creativity and prosperity in downtown Huntington. The HAEC and its staff inspire people like you to dream, design, develop and launch your abilities as an artist or small business operator. We are here to help everyone make Life Happen in Huntington.
TO OUR GOAL OF $1,750,000

Arts Programming

Basic DSLR photography and media management workshops will be offered to youth and adults using their own equipment.

Digital Photography
Basic DSLR photography and media management workshops will be offered to youth and adults using their own equipment.

Culinary Arts
Instruction in the culinary arts for a variety of cuisines will be offered to individuals, couples, and students by professionals in a commercial kitchen setting.

Culinary Arts
The creative writing workshops will teach the key elements of story telling in all literary genres.

Pottery & Kiln
Pottery wheels will be available for workshops and individual use. A kiln will be available on a set schedule, allowing the public an opportunity to fire their work.

Summer & Afterschool Art Camps
Various activities will be available to your kids so they can continue exploring their interests and discover their talents during school breaks.

Artist Studios
Private studios will be available for rent to local artists who need a space to create.

Arts in Education
Arts in Education programming is a traditional program of the LaFontaine Arts Council. It includes a series of activities designed to enhance the creative opportunities and strengthen the cultural awareness of every student in the Huntington County Schools from preschool through graduation. Activities can consist of music, theater, dance, and an artist-in-residence.

Gallery & Exhibit Space
The Center will have opportunities for local artists to display and sell their work on a commission basis. The gallery will be open to the public.

Annual Events
LaFontaine Arts Council organizes yearly fundraising events that benefit Arts in Education programming for all Huntington County Schools. These events invite the public to be champions for the arts through celebration and appreciation. Regional Fine Arts Show: Non-juried show, inclusive to artists 18 and older to exhibit artwork in a gallery setting. The open entries are evaluated by a dignified guest judge and artists are awarded by category. Fashion for the Arts: A fashion show with local models showing off fashions from area clothing stores, arts advocate presentation on arts in education importance, silent auction, and locally catered luncheon. JeFFFest: Jefferson Street festival in historic downtown featuring live music, silent auction of community donated framed canvases, and food tastings of local food vendors.

Katy Strass
Arts Center Director/LAC Executive Director

Debbie Dyer
Former LAC Executive Director/Community Volunteer

Danielle Tips
President/CEO Pathfinder Services
The Huntington Arts & Entrepreneurial Center is the result of Pathfinder Services and The LaFontaine Arts Council joining forces to invigorate the economic and social needs of Huntington. This opportunity comes at a perfect time for entrepreneurs looking for locations in the heart of the city. In addition to entrepreneurial opportunities, the Center will offer creative artist space for people of all abilities.
Through the Years
Odd Fellows Hall erected at the corner of E Franklin and Warren St. Downtown Huntington
International Order of Odd Fellows Trust Building and United Brethren Publishing Establishment erected
Occupied by: United Telephone, real-estate, insurance, law offices, Kelly Island Lime & Transport, Huntington Business University, Huser Cigar & Candy. Krause Labs, Chicago Motor Club (AAA), Kitchen Maid Service Co, Indiana Bell, Champion Shoes, Dr James
United Brethren takes ownership of all three building
United Brethren ceases publishing operations
Occupied by: Christian Bookstore, residential apartments, Bowen Center for Human Services, Animal Crackers Vet, Vanity Fair Beauty, Marine Recruiting
Buildings targeted for demolition
City of Huntington takes posession of property. Indiana Landmarks repairs roof and provides rehabilitation study in an agreement with City of Huntington
Collaboration to develop 37 market-rate apartments and a place for arts and entrepreneurial programming begins. LaFontaine Arts Council and Pathfinder Services discuss increasing availability of arts programming for all
Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority recommends funding UB Block through Regional Cities Initiative grant
Rehabilitation of United Brethren Block begins
The Huntington Arts & Entrepreneurial Center opens, featuring LaFontaine Arts Council, Pathfinder Services, Huntington University, Huntington County Chamber of Commerce, and AP Development loft apartments